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All Things Podcasting

Dec 4, 2023

Penny is a board-certified hypnotist with the NGH and Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructor and is here today to share with you the program that can help you become a certified Hypnosis Professional.

You’re most likely here because you want to help others, or explore ways to improve your own life. Deep inside you feel pulled to BE or DO something MORE.

You are seeking a way you can easily help others (maybe even yourself) have a better and more fulfilling life. Hypnosis is a skill that is easily learned and will allow you to bring positive change for others, QUICKLY.

Hypnosis is simply a state of mind. The thinking part of the mind steps into the observer role so clients can access their subconscious mind and accept new, healthier beliefs about themselves. 


As a certified hypnotist you can help others…

Penny created this curriculum to share the process that allowed her to see her own results and leave the J.O.B. world as a nurse anesthetist. So click the link below and get started today!

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